
Welcome to my scrumptious, stylish, spooky, happy place!

Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

It will likely come as no surprise that Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I figured what could I do but celebrate in true MonsterStewart fashion with a month chock full of spooky, tasty treats! To kick things off, naturally, I have to start with the noble jack-o-lantern. I've carved -- and cut myself carving -- more pumpkins than I can count, and I always enjoy testing out new toasted pumpkin seed recipes with the fruit of my carving labor. I opted for a sweet and spicy Martha Stewart variation this year with phenomenal results - I added much more than the recommended pinch of cayenne pepper (in my house, "to taste" means alarmingly spicy!), and was extremely pleased with the crystallized clusters the recipe yielded. These tasty little morsels were polished off quickly of course, which means either waiting for next year to whip up more...or using it as an excuse to carve yet another pumpkin!

Shirt: Hand-drawn Art Cotton Croptop Jumper
Skirt: Pinup Couture Jenny Skirt in Black & White Stripe
Lips: Lime Crime Velvetines in Red Velvet

Halloween Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs

Halloween Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs

Red Medicine

Red Medicine